Think about your typical day. Seriously, think about your normal routine.
Your alarm startles you awake far before your body is ready. You eat the same thing for breakfast you had yesterday. And the day before.
You find some clothes that are only partly wrinkled to put on for work. You make coffee, tie your shoes, and trudge to your car.
Traffic is a mess. You make it into work only to discover you forgot that important deadline. Maybe you can get it done really quickly and no one will notice. You slog through the work day just to make it home and start working again. This time on dinner, dishes, walking the dog, and helping the kids with their school work.
Enough. It’s time to escape.
Get a 365-Game Plan and forget about all the work on your plate. Put a couple of hot dogs and cheeseburgers there instead. We’ll cook you dinner, do the dishes, and give you a reason to forget about real life for a while.
Come escape with us.
Each plan comes with…..
Events year round
We are the first team to even try this. You’ll get invited to events like our Ballpark Winter Fest, Spring and Fall Festival & Carnival, movie nights on the field and more.
Best seats. Best games.
You’ll get the best seats at the best shows of the year on the most convenient dates. This is the only way to guarantee a spot at Opening Day, fireworks nights, weekend games, and more.
All-you-can-eat food/drink
Every game you’ll receive 4 innings of unlimited food and drink. Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, chips, soda/water, desserts, and rotating specials.
Team jersey and hat
Each plan holder receives a free team jersey and baseball hat. This is the only way to get them.
Most people don’t know their summer plans yet. That’s ok. You can work your summer around these games or you can switch to games that fit your schedule.
Highly Affordable.
All of this will only cost you $14 per game. If you walked up the day of the game you’d pay $11 per ticket and not get any food or gifts. Each plan is just $70 for bleacher seats.