Latest News

Published On: January 8th, 2016


Wausau, WI-

Work continues to move along on Phase II of the Athletic Park renovation. This week work was being done on the installation of the roof of the new concession stand, which will then allow for the construction of the new group area to begin. 

The Wisconsin Woodchucks Phase II renovation project has been in progress since the end of the 2015 season.  The project is being led by the Woodchucks general contractor, the Samuels Group. Here is an update on what has all occured so far: 

The entire third base bleachers, concession stand and sports deck were demolished to make room for the expansion.  The new general admission third base movie theater style bleachers with improved sight lines have been installed.  The installation of Musco Lighting lights and poles has been completed along with the completion of the foundation of the new group outing areas, concessions and bleachers. New walk-in coolers have been added and work has begun on the new mens and womens restrooms. 

Keep up with the Woodchucks website, Facebook and Twitter pages for updates throughout the project.

Here are some photos of the progress so far, for more, check out the renovation album on Facebook or Flickr.

10.16-3    Outside framework of the new concession standIMG_0580 New 3rd base bleachers.