Sports, like baseball, help students develop social and physical skills. However, intellectual skills are just as important, which is why reading at least 20 minutes a day is so vital! This is why the Wausau Woodchucks take such pride in this program for our community. After all, it is our young fans that will be leading our community in the years to come!

School Year Game Plan:
· Reading incentive program for K – 5 students
· Program can be any length, we recommend 4-8 weeks, but must conclude by the end of your school year
· Teachers set their own goals (Ex: number of minutes/pages/books read, etc.)
· Each goal coordinates with a base on the tracking sheet
· When students accomplish their goals, they are rewarded with prizes (including a Woodchucks game ticket and food & drink vouchers) that will be supplied by the Wausau Woodchucks and the reading club sponsors
· All materials will be delivered or mailed to your school, excluding game tickets, and food & drink vouchers

· Increased literacy in community schools
· Teachers have the flexibility to use the program to fit their students’ needs
· Students are provided with Wausau Woodchucks prizes as added encouragement
· Wausau Woodchucks will provide all needed materials
· One FREE Wausau Woodchucks game ticket to each student who meets their specific goal

What To Do / How to Get Involved:

Register for 2025 Woody’s Reading Club by filling out the form below. Please contact Jim Lee, at, with any questions.

Reading Club Sign Up

Sign up your classroom to participate in Woody's Reading Club during the 2025 season! This form can be filled out either for an individual classroom or for several at once - whatever is easiest for you!

  • Please be as accurate as possible as this will determine how many materials you'll receive.