Published On: June 23rd, 2009

By: Becky Nelson, Northwoods League Alumni and Affiliate Relations Intern

The season seems to be just flying by!  I had the pleasure of standing up in my best friend’s wedding this last Saturday, and after catching my breath, I feel like I’ve missed so much!

As part of my intern duties, I’m in charge of the Northwoods League’s social media and when I checked up on the Facebook and Twitter pages, I was amazed at how busy they’ve been while I was away!  Way to go NWL fans!  If you aren’t familiar with it, the NWL Facebook fan page has all sorts of ways to keep up with the action going on league-wide.  I’ve posted pictures from all of my travels across the South Division, there are poll questions, links to other NWL pages and stories, reminders of upcoming NWL events, updates on alumni, and anything else we in the front office can think of!  I have really enjoyed working with the page and seeing all of the interaction among fans and the material I’m posting.  If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out!

Or, if you want quick updates on league happenings, my thoughts, game reminders, etc. you should follow the NWL on Twitter!  “NWLbaseball” provides a quick and easy glimpse into the NWL world.  Send us your thoughts and you might just see your name in a blog, story, or message!

Not all of my jobs are so much fun…I do have some work to get done.  Nightly reports from home teams have built up in my Inbox while I was gone, so it’s time to get those logged into the database.  You might also notice some work being done on the NWL website over the next few days.  I don’t know how the front office guys managed without me and Tim!

But, enough about me.  How about some baseball action?!  I made it to Waterloo on Sunday, June 14th and knocked off the last ballpark on my South Division list.  I ran into Curt at the game and it was exciting to learn what he’s looking for at games and get tips and advice on all my different projects.  I knew Waterloo would heat up before I got there – they scored four runs in the first inning and never looked back.  Wisconsin scored four runs in the top of the fourth to tie the game, but the Bucks returned the favor putting their own four spot on the board in the bottom of the inning.   The Bucks ended up beating the Woodchucks 9-5 in front of a great Sunday afternoon crowd at Riverfront Stadium.  The energy at the park was fantastic, and I can’t wait to get back!

I think that’s all for now.  You’ll have to keep up with me and the NWL on Facebook and/or Twitter until my next blog!

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