

About adminkokomo

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So far adminkokomo has created 32 blog entries.

Meet Your Pitching Coach!


The Kokomo Jackrabbits and Coach Johnston Hobbs are excited to welcome Justin Reed to the 2024 coaching staff! Reed is [...]

Meet Your Pitching Coach!2024-05-01T15:27:46+00:00

Meet Your Hitting Coach!


The Kokomo Jackrabbits and Coach Johnston Hobbs are excited to announce the addition of Francis Faiello to the 2024 coaching [...]

Meet Your Hitting Coach!2024-04-12T17:33:41+00:00

Meet Your Coaches!


The Kokomo Jackrabbits are excited to announce our coaching staff that will be joining Coach Hobbs for the upcoming 2023 [...]

Meet Your Coaches!2023-02-17T16:36:39+00:00
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