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Published On: July 18th, 2012

                The sound of bombs echoed through Kapco Park late Wednesday night in the Chinooks 2-1 loss to the Battle Creek Bombers. The game began with sun shine but ended early in a turbulent swirl of wind, rain and lightning.

                Tim Verthien (UW La Crosse) opened the game at the plate for the Chinooks and pitched 5.1 innings; allowing four hits, two runs (one earned), one walk and struck out two.  The Bomber’s were represented on the mound for all six innings by Caleb Vincent who gave up one run on five hits while striking out five.

                Both pitchers were basically unhittable through the first three innings. The first run was put up on the board by the Bombers in the top of the 4th when Daniel Rockett reached home on an error from Connor Lynch (GA Tech) as he attempted to tag Rockett out on a pick-off.

                The Chinooks offense didn’t wait long to strike back. In the 5th inning, Charlie Markson (Notre Dame) scored from second on a Bre’ Kimbell (Louisiana Tech) shot to centerfield that potentially could have scored Forrest Chadwick (U. Southern Maine) from first as a result of an errant throw to third, but the Bomber’s third baseman recovered and threw out Chadwick at home plate to end the inning. After five, the score was tied at 1-1.

The Chinooks effort to tie the game was spoiled in the 6th as the Bombers scored the winning run to set the final score at 2-1. Connor Costello hit a line-drive single that eluded the grasp of Kimbell at third base and scored Rockett from third.

With the second run put on the board by the Bombers, Verethein’s outing was over and Nick Soldano (North Park) replaced him on the mound. Soldano struggled to hit the strike zone and only threw for 0.2 innings, allowing one hit and walking three. With Soldano struggling, the Chinooks turned to Ryan Harris (Florida) to keep the Bombers off the scoreboard. He succeeded by allowing no hits in 0.2 innings of work before the game was called due to rain.

The game was called at 8:25pm due to severe storms that pounded the Mequon area throughout the early hours of Wednesday night. Verethein received a loss in his first start and Vincent earned the win. The game will go down as a loss for the Chinooks (6-7) as they prepare for the final game of the two game series tomorrow at 6:35pm at Kapco Park.

***Remember fans, tomorrow night the original Bat-mobile, from the movie Batman, will be rolling up to Kapco Park for the game.