The Battle Creek Bombers picked up two big wins tonight, acting as the home team against the visiting Kalamazoo Mac Daddies.
Game one saw the Bombers plate all three of their runs in the bottom of the first, off a TJ McKenzie three-RBI single. His single cleared the bases and scored Matt Hogan, Justin Van De Brake, and Joe Mason. After one, it was 3-0 Bombers.
That’s all the scoring that happened in game one, and all the Bombers needed. Starter Ryan Middendorf threw a no-hitter on the defensive side for the Bombers, and only missed a perfect game by one base runner off an error in the fifth.
Game two was much of the same for the Bombers, with starter Mitchell Lee throwing another gem for the Bombers. He went four innings, allowing three hits and giving up no runs.
The Bombers offense did the rest, scoring two runs in the home half of the third. Josh Swinehart scored run one on a pass ball, and Jimmy Wressel scored on a balk from Mac Daddies pitcher James Krick.
The Bombers swept Kalamazoo tonight by scores of 3-0 in game one, and 2-0 in game two. The two shutouts were the seventh and eight shutouts of the season for the Bombers pitching staff, with now a team ERA of 2.04.
Battle Creek is back at Homer Stryker Field tomorrow night, with the Bombers and Mac Daddies squaring off for two more ball games. Game times 5:15 and 8 P.M.