In a showroom full of dedicated Kingfish fans, Kingfish staff, and King Elvis, the Kenosha Kingfish unveiled their inaugural season home and road uniforms this afternoon.
Both jerseys were modeled for the crowd, after pulling up in a 2015 Chevrolet Corvette. Debuting first was the road uniform, which will double as an alternate uniform during select home games this season. The road jersey is navy with red, white, and yellow piping. “Kenosha” is prominently displayed across the chest, with the Kingfish crown hanging off of the K, inspired by Jersey Creation Contest winner, Benjamin Hufendick. The home uniform was debuted second, displaying the unique and vintage cream color with “Kingfish” appearing in navy with red piping. Both jerseys feature the Kingfish “fish only” logo and the alternate anchor logos on either sleeve. Fans were then invited to view the jerseys up close and take pictures with Elvis and the jersey models.
The inaugural season home and road uniforms are for sale this season, and you can place your order with Steph over the phone at 262-653-0900 or at
Tickets and merchandise for your Kenosha Kingfish are on sale now. For more information on 7-game packs, season or group tickets, please log on to or call 262.653.0900. The Kingfish office is open from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday at Simmons Field, 7817 Sheridan Road in Kenosha.