Kaiser’s Pizza & Pub Best Seats in the House
Kenosha, Wis. – Starting today at Kaiser’s Pizza & Pub, fans can register to win the Kaiser’s Best Seats in the House for a Kingfish game during the 2017 season. Winners of the Best Seats in the House promotion will receive 4 free tickets in a patio setting, all-you-can-eat ballpark food until the 5th inning, soda and water and a voucher for a mouth-watering Kaiser’s pizza to be used at a later date. Registration forms are available at Kaiser’s Pizza & Pub located at 510 57th Street in downtown Kenosha.
In addition to the Kaiser’s Best Seats in the House promotion, Kaiser’s will run the Kingfish Tuesday Night Family Special every Tuesday during the Kingfish season! The special will feature $2 kids meals and $5 Grand Slam Burgers.
For more information on the Kaiser’s “Best Seats in the House” promotion or the Kingfish Tuesday Night Family Special, please contact Courtney@kingfishbaseball.com.
Tickets and merchandise for your Kenosha Kingfish are on sale now. For more information on 7-game packs, season or group tickets, please visit kingfishbaseball.com or call 262.653.0900. The Platinum Systems Ticket Office is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday at Simmons Field, 7817 Sheridan Road in Kenosha.