Elvis Gnome Available Exclusively at Festival Foods May 27th
Kenosha, Wis. – Load up on brats for Memorial Day weekend at Festival Foods, where the Kenosha Kingfish are celebrating opening day early with brats and bobbleheads. On Saturday, May 27th, the Kingfish staff will be on hand starting at 9am at the Festival Foods located at 3207 80th Street in Kenosha, 5740 Washington Avenue in Mt. Pleasant and at the Somers location at 6000 31st Street. The staff will pass out free Elvis Gnomes to qualifying customers who purchase two or more pounds of Festival Foods Oktoberfest Bratwurst.
Also in attendance, only at Festival Foods in Kenosha on May 27th will be Dan and Pete from WLIP doing a remote broadcast starting at 12pm. For questions on the Festival Foods Gnome Elvis promotion, please contact Courtney@kingfishbaseball.com.
While at Festival Foods in Kenosha, fans can purchase discounted Festival Foods Backyard tickets for any Kingfish home game for only $6. Please contact the Kingfish office at 262-653-0900 for additional information.
Tickets and merchandise for your Kenosha Kingfish are on sale now. For more information on 7-game packs, season or group tickets, please visit kingfishbaseball.com or call 262.653.0900. The Platinum Systems Ticket Office is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday at Simmons Field, 7817 Sheridan Road in Kenosha.