Published On: April 21st, 2004

THE DUCK POND — Along with the changing scenery around the ballpark, the Madison Mallards are always looking to change things up off the field as well. To that end, the mallards would like to official announce the formation of a new Mallards Booster Club for the 2004 season.

“As an organization we are always trying to provide the best for our players, which in turn will provide the best baseball for our fans,” explains Mallards manager Darrell Handelsman. Handelsman knows of what he speaks as he will head up the club, a position he also held when he was managing the Waterloo Bucks.

“I know that this can work and will be a great success,” added Skip.

You can come and join the Mallards’ family as part of the Booster Club during the inaugural meeting, April 27, 5pm at the Sports Pub, 1902 Bartillion Drive, just across from MATC on North Stoughton Road. Refreshments will be served as part of the get together.

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