Each summer we bring in some of the most talented college students from across the country for the baseball season, and this time we’re not just talking about the on-field talent. We’re talking about interns! Our interns have a positive impact on our organization, the team, and the fan experience at Turtle Creek Stadium. We offer them an amazing opportunity to gain hands-on experience in their chosen career field, along with memories and friendships that last a lifetime. However, often the only thing holding students back from coming to our community is the challenge of finding local housing.

New this year, we are creating an Intern Host Family program.  It’s similar to our Player Host Family program as local families integrate into our Pit Spitters family.  In addition to helping change the course of a young professional’s career, we are offering the following perks:

    • Season ticket for each member of the family living in the house
    • Free parking for games
    • 25% off merch in the store          
    • $250 / month stipend to help offset costs (May – August)

 Host families often create a life-long bond with their guests. Becoming a host family is a commitment, but it’s also one of the best opportunities and experiences we can offer for both our student and community members!