Published On: April 6th, 2006


LB: Where are you currently?

JS: I?m in Ft. Myers, Florida. I?m still with the Twins?I?ll be playing with the Ft. Myers Miracle this summer. I had surgery on my elbow in January, so I?ve been rehabbing it. I?ll be starting the season on the Disabled List, and will probably stay there for 15 days. Once I?m cleared, I?ll be ready to go!

LB: What were you up to this past off-season?

JS: I did some work at a theme park down here, but mostly just tried to stay in shape for the season. I?d go to the gym four to five times a week?do some running and throwing.

LB: What do you hope to achieve this season?

JS: My main goal is to get healthy and get into the lineup. I want to put in a good season and hopefully, if things go well maybe I?ll end the season in AA ball. I want to stay healthy and continue to get better.

LB: What?s a typical day like during the season?

JS: Well, if we have a home game we usually get home around 11 PM or so. We usually hang out for a little while and then go to bed. I?ll wake up around 11 the next day and hang out at the house until we have to go to the ballpark at 2 PM. It?s very similar to the schedule we had in Madison.

LB: How have you enjoyed your minor-league experience?

JS: It?s been really nice. It?s funny ? the thing is, baseball was always something just to get me through college. I never thought hard about my future in baseball. But, I got drafted out of college ? and it was sweet, kind of like a rebirth. I actually started to see baseball as my future. So, I saw it as starting from scratch?starting out a new career. I?ll just see where it takes me. I plan on playing until someone has to take my uniform off of me.
LB: What do you enjoy the least?

JS: If I had to say something, I?d say the travel and being far away from home and my family. But, I love the team here. I love the staff of the Twins ? they?re very approachable.

LB: Have you had any experiences of playing with or against some notable players?

JS: Not yet. Every year, we get to play against some of the high draft picks, but no one that I?ve really watched since childhood.

LB: How do you think your experience in the NWL and Madison helped you get to where you are today?

JS: You know, playing in Madison and the NWL really prepared me the most for pro ball. The travel is very similar. I think in Madison, we played like 56 games in 58 days at one point. It?s just like the minors. It not only prepares you physically, but prepares you mentally for life as a player. It gives you more experience than college and becomes your whole life.

LB: What is your most memorable experience on-field in Madison?

JS: I don?t have just one. Getting elected to the All-Star league team was pretty great. It felt really good and was a great honor. I loved playing at home in Madison because the crowds always came out to see us. I remember the games ending, us players sitting on top of the dugout and just watching the post-game fireworks?it was awesome.

LB: What is your most memorable experience off-field in Madison?

JS: My host family was great. The Voelkers were awesome. They had a great set-up and came out to see most of my games.

LB: What did you do for fun in Madison?

JS: We?d go downtown?to State St? Yeah, that?s what it was called. We went there a couple of times. And we?d go fishing with other host families like the Pierces. That?s another host family that I became fairly close to. We?d just go to different lakes around Madison and go fishing ? it was great.

LB: Who was your favorite childhood team or player growing up?

JS: Cal Ripken ? just because of his approach to the game and his integrity. I looked up to him for his demeanor as a man as well.

LB: Do you still keep in touch with any of your former Mallards teammates?

JS: I do! I run into the guys frequently as we all play ball throughout the leagues. Mike Rozema is an example of a guy that I met in Madison and we still keep in touch. We probably call each other almost weekly.

LB: Madison Mallards fans are going to be reading this. Is there anything you?d like to say to them?

JS: Yeah, definitely. Thanks for the memories from my one summer in Madison. We as players definitely appreciated all the support everyone showed us. It was amazing. You?ll have to tell Vern (GM) and CJ (Team Manager) that I say ?hello.? CJ, that?s my guy. I like him a lot, he?s a great guy!

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