Published On: October 3rd, 2008

(ROCHESTER, MN) The Northwoods League announced that Dan Corbin, General Manager of the Waterloo Bucks, has been named 2008 NWL Executive of the Year. The award, which was decided by a vote of team officials at the League’s annual fall meetings last week in Alexandria, MN, is given annually to the League’s outstanding executive.

Corbin has been with the Bucks for seven seasons including the past three as GM. This summer he and the Bucks staff persevered through one of the most difficult challenges to ever a face a Northwoods League franchise. The Bucks were homeless for over a month when Waterloo’s Riverfront Stadium was flooded and left heavily damaged due to the devastating floods of Iowa’s Cedar River in mid-June.

“I’m personally pleased for Dan, in that, his peers recognized his professionalism in a very adverse situation in 2008,” said Northwoods League President Dick Radatz, Jr. “He is certainly worthy of this award having been a good operator for many years.”

The Bucks were scheduled to play 16 home games, nearly half of their 34-game home schedule, in the 33 days they weren’t able to play at Riverfront Stadium. Of the 16 displaced scheduled contests, two were cancelled, eight were played at the opposing team’s venue, and six were held at a Waterloo area high school field. The Bucks returned to Riverfront on July 11th and played in front of 4,541 fans, the fourth largest crowd in the club’s 14-year history. In their remaining 12 home games the Bucks entertained crowds of over 2,000 five different times.

“I am sincerely flattered to receive this award from the Northwoods League after a season that no one will soon forget,” said Corbin. “This honor reflects the hard work of the entire Waterloo Bucks organization including Assistant General Manager Charlie Boeckenheuer. Everybody affiliated with Bucks Baseball had a part in this and I’m proud to accept it on behalf of the team.”

The Northwoods League plays more games than, draws more fans than, and plays in venues superior to any Summer Collegiate Baseball League in North America. The Northwoods League completed its 15th season of play in August.

(pictured above: “Slumpbuster,” discovered in a dugout at Riverfront Stadium after flooding submerged the park, was rescued by Waterloo Bucks’ staffers and put in a tank in the press box)

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