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Published On: May 29th, 2024

The Wausau Woodchucks defeat the Fond Du Lac Dock Spiders 8-3 to move to 3-0 on the season. It was another strong hitting performance combined with the Chucks pitchers striking out 15 batters. 


Max Galvin (OK State U)  started the Chucks out hot, blasting a two-run homer in the first. It’s the second two-run homer for him in as many days. The Chucks led 2-0 after two innings. 


Grant Siegel (University Central Florida) commanded the mound, throwing three innings allowing three hits and earning three strikeouts. His night ended with the score at 3-1.


With the score tied 3-3 headed into the bottom of the 9th, the Chucks took the lead and added to it. Five walks from three different Dock Spider pitchers combined with a Drew Berkland RBI single was the dagger for the Chucks. 


In both home games this season the Chucks have entered the 8th inning tied and taken the lead. They move to 2-0 at home and 3-0 on the season. 


They’ll head to Fond Du Lac at 11:35 tomorrow and look to sweep the Dock Spiders in the first series against them this season.