Wausau, Wisc. – The Wausau Woodchucks, Wausau Softball Club, and the Northwoods League Foundation are now accepting applications for the 2025 Share the Glove Equipment Grant.
The Share the Glove Equipment Grant was introduced in 2018 as a part of the Northwoods League’s 25th Season Celebration, with the mission of further inspiring a love for and participation in youth baseball and softball throughout communities.
This year, the Wausau Woodchucks and Wausau Softball Club will be awarding a local baseball team the equipment grant. This will include a standardized set of equipment for ages 9 through 12.
The Woodchucks and Softball Club are excited to continue positively impacting and inspiring the Wausau area community through the Share the Glove Grant, while also enriching the quality of life for children and families in the area through baseball.
For more information about the Share the Glove Grant, or to apply, please visit https://northwoodsleague.com/wausau-woodchucks/community/community-initiatives/share-the-glove/ .