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Published On: June 12th, 2024

Bismarck, ND- It was not an ideal night start to the ‘Railroad to Roosevelt’ Rivalry for the Big Sticks as they would fall to the Bismarck Larks by a final of 17-1

In the second inning, the Sticks were the first to strike by getting two baserunners on. Tyler Tobey would score unearned on a fielders choices and that would be the last of the offense for the night. The Larks pitchers would combine for 10 strikeouts, only giving up 7 hits and 2 walks. Jaron Cotton would start the scoring for the Larks on a drop third strike in the second. Tye Wood would score another run on an RBI sac fly.

The beating would just get worse. The Larks would score three more in the 4th inning. All three runs would score unearned due to an error. The final nail in the coffin would be the 10 runs that they scored in the 7th.  CJ Richmond would drive in four on a grand slam over the center field fence. The next two runs would score on a walk and hit batter by Bourmas and Mussler respectively. A fielder’s choice and a single from Alex Alva would bring in two more. To top it all off, Tye Wood would hit a triple and the final two runs would score.

In total, the pitching staff for the Big Sticks would give up 16 hits, 9 walks, and 2 homers. The two teams will conclude this two game home & away series in Dickinson on Wednesday, June 12. Gametime is 6:35 PM MDT with gates opening at Dakota Community Bank & Trust Ballpark at 5:45 PM.