Published On: June 6th, 2017

            The Duluth Huskies struggled to mount a comeback, as they were defeated by the Rochester Honkers 10-6 in game two of their series match-up.  It was another game of defensive blunders, which only hurt the Huskies’ chances of a comeback victory.

            Rochester came out swinging hard and showing patience at the plate in the first inning.  A pair of hits, three walks and a couple wild pitches helped them get out to a nearly two-run lead.  They had strong offensive output throughout the game in the fourth, sixth and seventh innings as well.  In the fourth, they found themselves down two outs right away, but then they scored three runs on only one hit, as they got help from two errors committed by the Huskies’ third baseman, that resulted in three unearned runs. 

            In the sixth inning, it was almost the same story.  There were two quick outs, and then an error in the outfield set the stage for another big Honkers’ inning, as they scored three runs on three hits and one error.  The Honkers were also able to put their last run on the board in the eighth for insurance, as they scored one run on three hits and one error in the inning. 

            The Huskies’ offense put up enough hits, they were just unable to string them together.  They tried to fight the early lead that was against them in the first inning.  They scored one run on two hits.  Augie Isaacson led the game off with a single, and taking it upon himself to get into scoring position by swiping the bag.  After that it was all too easy for Caleb Robinson to knock him in with a single of his own.  The Huskies would strike again in the third, putting up two more runs to cut into the Honkers’ lead.  Three walks and two hit by pitches put the Huskies runners on, and simply putting the ball in play did the job to drive in the runs.  The lead would be tied after that, but would not remain that way as the Honkers would score three more in the top of the fourth.

            While down 9-3 the Huskies were looking to march their way back into the game in the bottom of the seventh inning.  They put up three runs, on an impressive six hits.  All the hits were back-to-back.  They made manufacturing runs look too simple.  With bases loaded, and an exhilarated crowd, it looked like the Huskies were making a move to take the lead, and the game all in one.  The momentum of the game completely shifted however, as soon as Manny Armendariz came in for Rochester.  He struck out three straight Huskies’ hitters on 11 pitches.  He would stay in the rest of the game and hold the Huskies to only one hit, not allowing a run.

            Victor Santana started the game on the mound for the Huskies, but would only spend one inning out there as he allowed three runs on two hits, walked three and there was one error.  The bullpen for today consisted of Kaye, Smisek, Hickert, and Brown, which between all of them only let in one earned run.  The Huskies’ pitching battled as much as they could, but with struggling defense, it was hard to keep the Honkers from crossing home plate.  Caleb Robinson had another impressive night at the plate, going 3-4 with two RBIs and walking once.  That brings his season average up to an impressive .407.

            No matter the outcome, it was a gorgeous day to watch a game of baseball.  With it being Education Day at the Wade, the stands were packed and loud with excited young students from all over the Duluth area.  They didn’t get to see their hometown Huskies victorious, but they all cheered their hearts out and had a great time. 

           Tomorrow the Huskies are scheduled to play Thunder Bay AT HOME for a 6:35 p.m. start.  This match-up was originally scheduled to be on the road in Canada, but Thunder Bay’s field is being renovated, so they will be playing the games here, as the Huskies will still be the “away” team.  As first pitch is to be tossed at 6:35 p.m., the doors will be opening at 5:35 p.m.  Come out and cheer on your Duluth Huskies!

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