

About admin-duluth

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So far admin-duluth has created 1011 blog entries.

Huskies Go Off Rails


Evan Popalis, @evan_popalis Express wear down Huskies; Finish season 8-0 versus Duluth DULUTH, Minn -- For the final time in [...]

Huskies Go Off Rails2022-08-09T21:47:10-05:00

Huskies Playoff Information


Evan Popalis, @evan_popalis Duluth to host first game of best-of-three; Set to battle Express DULUTH, Minn -- The Great Plain's [...]

Huskies Playoff Information2022-08-09T16:38:11-05:00

Stuck at the Station


Evan Popalis, @evan_popalis Eau Claire notches nine runs early; Huskies comeback falls short DULUTH, Minn -- The Duluth Huskies welcomed [...]

Stuck at the Station2022-08-09T15:51:23-05:00

Complete Team Effort


Satisky and Frederick rack up two hits, Pitching takes over for Duluth ROCHESTER, Minn -- After struggling to close out [...]

Complete Team Effort2022-08-05T22:04:45-05:00

Honkers Take Game One


Honkers score nine runs in sixth and seventh inning   Max Stapleton, @Max_stapleton38   Rochester, MINN. - The Huskies kicked [...]

Honkers Take Game One2022-08-04T22:19:59-05:00
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