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Published On: May 28th, 2024

Dickinson, ND- The Big Sticks shut out the Huskies 9-0 thanks to stellar performances by Sam Nitzke, and the rest of the bullpen.

Nitzke was able to hold it down for 6.0 innings, giving up 4 hits, 4 walks and getting 5 strikeouts. When he departed after the 6th inning, the supporting cast picked up right where he left off. Jackson Soares and Alex James both pitched in backed to back innings, retiring all three batters they faced. In the ninth inning, Dimitrios Bourmas came in and closed the door on this home opening series.

At the plate, the Sticks decided the spread the RBIs around, with 7 of the 9 batters knocking their teammates across home plate. What hurt the Huskies tonight was the 4 errors on the field, three on shortstop Ethan Cole, allowing extra baserunners for the Sticks. Tristan Ellis has a fantastic night for the team, with two hits, one sac fly, and one stolen base. Quade joined Ellis with two stolen bases tonight, continuing his reign of terror on the base path. The highlight of the night was the first home run for the Big Sticks this season, brought to you by Dane Jones.

The Big Sticks will not be back at Dakota Community Trust and Bank Ballpark till June 5th when they host St. Cloud for a two game series. For now, the team will embark on a six game road trip to Willmar, Eau Claire, and Duluth, in that order.