Published On: August 9th, 2024


Kalamazoo, Mich. – Following Thursday night’s Kalamazoo Growlers win and Traverse City Pit Spitters loss, the Growlers’ magic number to the postseason has dropped down to just one.

In the final two days, with either a Kalamazoo win or a Travers City loss, the Growlers will clinch the Great Lakes East second-half championship and clinch its third-straight postseason berth.

No matter the outcome of the final two days, the team that clinches the second-half title will host a home playoff game on Sunday, Aug. 11 against the first-half champion Rockford Rivets. Time is still to be determined.

For fans, sign up for the 2024 Kalamazoo Growlers Playoff Priority List to be the first in line if the Growlers clinch a postseason spot.

With three games remaining for K-Zoo and just two for Traverse City, K-Zoo can clinch the second-half championship as early as Friday holding the first tiebreaker of overall winning percentage.

Remaining Schedule (KZO)
Friday, Aug. 9 (5:05 p.m.) – Away @ Kokomo
Friday, Aug. 9 (8:05 p.m.) – Away @ Kokomo
Saturday, Aug. 10 (7:05 p.m.) – Away @ Kokomo

Remaining Schedule (TVC)
Friday, Aug. 9 (6:35 p.m.) – Away @ Battle Creek
Saturday, Aug. 10 (7:05 p.m.) – Away @ Battle Creek
Make sure to stay tuned to the Growlers’ social media pages for continuous updates on K-Zoo’s postseason push.

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