Home Run for Life
During select Growlers home games, the Growlers in conjunction with Bronson Sports Medicine will recognize pre-selected individual(s) on the field during an in-inning break.
The honoree will be someone who has overcome some type of serious, debilitating illness.
During the inning break, the honoree and their support team are taken to the field.
The honoree will stand at home plate with our mascots while their story is told over the P.A. system for fans to hear.
The honoree will then take their own, symbolic turn around the bases.

Krystal’s Home Run for Life
By Krystal
I was on a weekend away with some friends in Indianapolis when we decided to use the electric scooters to explore the downtown area.
Shortly after getting on the scooters I braked too quickly and fell directly on my knee. Right when I hit the ground, I heard a loud pop and I knew right away something wasn’t right.
My friends acted quickly and got me to the nearest emergency department. The doctors there performed an X-ray and were fairly sure I had torn my ACL.
They suggested I get home and go to Bronson as soon as possible. That Monday morning, I called the Bronson Sports Medicine Specialists office on Turwill Lane and, thankfully, was able to get a same day appointment with Heather Sjoquist, PA-C.
At the appointment, they performed an exam, X-rays and got me scheduled for a MRI and follow up with Dr. Mark Sytsma all within the week.
My MRI confirmed I had torn my ACL and meniscus. Dr. Sytsma did an awesome job at explaining to me my options and we decided surgery was what was best to get me back to my active lifestyle.
I researched and read many testimonials from people who suffered the same type of injuries I had, and had many anxieties at first regarding surgery and recovery.
These anxieties were put to ease by the kindness and support I received from all of the staff at Bronson Sports Medicine Specialists – Turwill Lane.
From my first appointment to post-op, everyone was so willing to answer my questions, provide comfort and prepare me for the long journey of recovery from my injuries.
I’m so thankful to Heather, Dr. Sytsma, all of the nurses and physical therapist who have answered my questions, encouraged me and helped me on my way to getting my life back after this accident.
I am still early on in my recovery, but the support I’ve had along the way so far makes me confident that I will continue to heal well and come back from my injury stronger than before.
Ally’s Home Run for Life
By Michelle Prokup (Ally’s Mother)
“At 5 years old, she had her first of many seizures. In the following months her seizures were so bad she would end up in Bronson’s ICU (which has a wonderful staff!) on a ventilator. She would seize for more than an hour. It was horrible.
In 2007, she had focal point surgery at Detroit Children’s Hospital to stop them but it didn’t work so they ended up removing her left hemisphere in early February 2008. She spend weeks doing rehab as an inpatient. We were told she would have little use of her right arm, would not regain strength in her right leg and her coordination would always be an issue. My girl has use of everything! And she can even ride a bike when we were told she wouldn’t.
We joined Special Olympics in 2009. She played hockey, soccer, softball, basketball, swimming and track. She loves participating in sports so when the first physician we saw said he wouldn’t do surgery on her because he felt she couldn’t handle the rehab we sought a second opinion. Dr. Sytsma treated her like any other 16-year-old girl. He asked her if she wanted to continue playing sports and when she said yes he said, ‘let’s do it!’. She did an amazing job following surgery, started physical therapy and was quickly back on her feet. Although she wasn’t able to do all of the sports she likes this year, she did do basketball and got a bronze medal! Dr. Sytsma (aka Dr. Hottie) Rocks!
Ally has hydrocephalus and a shunt, epilepsy and moderate cognitive impairment. She’s walked a rough road along the way but always comes out a shining star.
We are so blessed God picked us to raise this precious girl. Can’t begin to list the things she has taught me.”
Izzy’s Home Run for Life
A Story About Isabel Born at 23 Weeks
Isabel doesn’t fully understand the circumstances of her birth or her time at Bronson Methodist Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). She is a miracle!
She is a miracle because she is alive; the fact that she builds the most imaginative creatures with Legos, rides her bike with her friends and has begun the argument why she `needs` a smart phone is beyond all expectations.
After weeks of pre-term labor, Isabel and her twin brother, Sean, were born at 23-weeks, 6-days and weighed 1lb. 3oz. and 1lb. 5oz., respectively.
Sean arrived with several complications in addition to prematurity and left us after only two weeks. Isabel spent 109 days in Bronson’s NICU struggling, surviving and, eventually, defying all the odds.
It was not a journey without it’s scary times but she made it and avoided major complications. Isabel came home 5-days before her original due date weighing in at a little more than 5lbs.
Today, Isabel is a healthy, funny, smart and very happy twelve-year old! She loves animals, robots and Legos. Her goal (as of now) is to be a Cowgirl Archeologist—so she can ride her horse to the dig site!
Whatever she does, she will be amazing and that is due to the care she received in Bronson’s NICU in her first months. We were not guaranteed anything and we will be eternally grateful for the care both our children received and for Isabel’s amazing outcome.
Daphne’s Home Run for Life
A Mammogram Could Save Your Life
Wow, what a difference a day makes. I finally decided to get my whole body checked out from head to toe. Annual physical, scheduled my mammogram and colonoscopy (ugh)! What exciting week for me with the Mammogram on Thursday followed by a Colonoscopy on Friday.
It had been some years since I had my last Mammogram; I was not looking forward to it. Needless to say I had a pleasant surprise; it was not as bad as I remembered. Thank goodness for new technology, 3D Tomosynthesis. However, during the mammogram the physician spotted something and wanted me to do an ultrasound. It was nice that I didn’t have to make another visit. I was just moved to the Ultrasound room.
Dr. Jacobs recommended a breast biopsy. A staff member set me up for a biopsy for that next week. Yep, I was a bit scared. First of all, I hate needles; yes that was my only thought at that time. I arrived for the biopsy procedure and everyone was great. It wasn’t as scary as I thought especially when I had everyone in the room singing to me for distraction, yes even Dr. Jacobs. The entire team in Bronson Center for Women was amazing they made sure that I was comfortable and understood each step of the process.
Dr. Jacobs and Robinette, Nurse Navigator met with me after the biopsy. Unfortunately, it was never what anyone wanted to hear, “likelihood of cancer and expectations for next steps. Of course all I heard, “You have Cancer!” Robinette made sure that my family was involved and up to speed on my condition with educational material.
I was set up for a needle localization left breast lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy on August 21st. As it turned out the cancer had metastatic to one lymph node, I wasn’t prepared for that! Dr. Kalinowski was very detailed and compassionate with her explanation as to my next steps. As my healing journey continues with this process, I want to make everyone aware of their need to have a mammogram done. It could save your life.