Published On: February 27th, 2014


The Kalamazoo Growlers are bringing the team's official mascot out of hibernation! Promo Bears USA is currently constructing the newest member of the Growlers family. Naming rights are being handed over to the public once again as part of the Meijer #NameYourMascot contest.

The competition will begin immediately to find the best name for the new mascot. Submit your best name idea and why you think your name should be selected using the form below. You can also submit your name idea using the Meijer #NameYourMascot hashtag and mentioning the Growlers on Twitter @kzoogrowlers.


The winner of the contest will receive these exclusive benefits for the year:

  1. Mascot lawn mowing services for a day
  2. Mascot driveway snow removal appearance
  3. Mascot Valentine's Day flower delivery to your sweetheart
  4. Mascot birthday party appearance
  5. $100 Meijer shopping spree with the new mascot

Fill out the form below and be a part of Kalamazoo Growlers baseball!


Don't forget to sign your kids up for our Growlers Cub Club as well!

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