Through its Share the Glove initiative, the Northwoods League Foundation will award $2500 in baseball or softball equipment to one youth organization in each of its 25 markets.

What is the grant?
The grant is a standardized set of Rawlings equipment, sized for youth ages 9-12. There will be thirteen (13) baseball grants and twelve (12) softball grants awarded. Each grant includes:

Baseball Grant Softball Grant
(1) Sets of catcher’s gear (helmet, chest protector, shin guards, mitt (1) Sets of catcher’s gear (helmet, chest protector, shin guards, mitt
(6) Batting helmets (6) Batting helmets
(9) Fielding gloves (7 RH, 2 LH) (9) Fielding gloves (7 RH, 2 LH)
(1) Bucket of practice baseballs (1) Bucket of practice softballs
(3) Bats (27 in. – 29 in.) (3) Bats (27 in. – 29 in.)

Who is eligible to receive the grant?
The following criteria must be met in order to be eligible to receive the grant:

  • Organization qualifies as a 501(c)(3) organization, school or school-based program, or community-based organization as defined under US IRC section 501(c)(3);
  • Organization is not an individual, for-profit business, political, or religious organization;
  • Organization provides opportunities for kids ages 9-12 to play baseball or softball within a community that is served by a Northwoods League affiliate.

How will grant applications be accepted and awarded?
Affiliate teams will be accepting grant applications from organizations within their community. The Foundation will not directly accept applications. The Foundation has designated which twelve (12) communities will be awarded softball grants and which thirteen (13) communities will be awarded baseball grants. They are as follows:

 Softball Grants  Baseball Grants
 Bismarck Larks  Battle Creek Bombers
 Dickinson Big Sticks Fond du Lac Dock Spiders
 Duluth Huskies Green Bay Rockers
 Eau Claire Express Kalamazoo Growlers
La Crosse Loggers Kenosha Kingfish
Mankato MoonDogs Lakeshore Chinooks
Minot Hot Tots Madison Mallards
Rochester Honkers Rockford Rivets
 St. Cloud Rox Royal Oak Leprechauns
Thunder Bay Border
Traverse City Pit Spitters
Waterloo Bucks Wisconsin Woodchucks
Willmar Stingers Wisconsin Rapids Rafters

*Canadian grant applicants must meet US and Canadian IRC Guidelines.

Interested in being considered for this grant? Fill out the form below and email it to
