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So far admin has created 358 blog entries.

Carroll Blanks Lunkers 7-0

WILLMAR--In the first game of the final homestand of the 2010 inaugural season, the Stingers rode a four run first [...]

Carroll Blanks Lunkers 7-0

Stingers and Lunkers Postponed

WILLMAR--Due to inclement weather and unplayable field conditions, Tuesday night's game between the Willmar Stingers and the Brainerd Lakes Area [...]

Stingers and Lunkers Postponed

Stingers and Beetles Postponed

WILLMAR--Due to inclement weather and unplayable field conditions, the Stingers August 12th home regular season finale versus the Alexandria Beetles [...]

Stingers and Beetles Postponed

Stingers Fan Wins $20K!

(Willmar, MN)- The Willmar Stingers are pleased to announce that Anne Kelly won $20,000 towards a new vehicle at Mills [...]

Stingers Fan Wins $20K!

Stingers Win Finale 10-7

THUNDER BAY--In the finale of what has been a magical inaugural season, the Willmar Stingers ended their year on a [...]

Stingers Win Finale 10-7
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