Published On: November 10th, 2017

COREY STORIES: You’ve seen him on the field, you’ve talked to him on the phone, now get to know On-Field Host/Fan Development Manager Corey Wolfgang as he prepares for next season! First up, the story of how he became Showtime Corey:

Tell the story of how you became the crazy guy in the suit. 

I literally walked in a asked for a job. I was sitting in a McDonalds and looked down and saw a Growlers pocket schedule. I had just moved to the area and didn’t know that Kalamazoo had a team. I was in a weird point in my life where I had several different routes to go, I had some opportunities out West, and thought about going back to NYC. I was just kind of sitting and trying to figure out the next step. I did some research and saw the Growlers were hosting a job fair. I took a bold strategy, and walked in and asked for a job that they weren’t offering. I wanted to be a part of the inner-workings of the team. Next thing I knew, I was meeting the General Manger, and dancing and auditioning on the field. Later on, it turned into a full-time job. I don’t always recommend handling job interviews that way, but sometimes you have to make things happen for yourself. Sometimes you have to take a chance and ask questions that may make you uncomfortable, I asked for a job, that wasn’t being offered at the job fair, and it ended up being the perfect situation to walk into. 

What’s the weirdest thing people ask you at games? Are you hot in that suit?

Yes, I am. If you look closely enough you can see me losing weight, you can see me shrinking from all of the sweat! I love it though, it means people appreciate how hard I am working! That energy makes you sweat! 

What’s your favorite thing about your job (Fan Experience and On Field)? 

I LOVE counting down the fireworks show! I love building the anticipation and then BOOM! A close second, is when the Growlers are rallying and the noise that the fans create helps stun the other team, you can feel the momentum shift and the crowd, with all of their chanting and stomping makes the opposing pitcher get the yips. The other team will never say it- but the crowd is the reason they gave up those runs. Getting to lead that- is a privilege. 

If you could build the perfect crazy suit, what would it look like? 

It would have pictures of my favorite things on it, pasta, my family, my favorite sports teams, Porter, Long walks on the beach, the mountains, and the city of Detroit. I have a very special place in my heart for the city of Detroit, ever since I was a kid. I knew that the people there did it the right way- working hard.  Most importantly, a water cooling system designed in it for warmer days.Can we put that in the budget Brian?

Quick Fire Round 

  • Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi….and its not even close.
  • Donuts or Muffins? Donuts
  • Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
  • Text or Call? Call
  • Dog or Cat? Dog
  • Microsoft or Apple? Microsoft

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