Rally Rousers, Everyone has an instrument...YOURS is at Leithold Music! Leithold Music

Would you like to be the “go to kid” to get the crowd RALLIED UP at a Loggers home game this summer? Thanks to Leithold Music, 4 kids will be chosen for each game to be our Rally Rousers!

Simply fill out the form below and click Submit for your kid’s chance to be one of the Leithold Music Rally Rousers for a select home game this summer. Each kid will receive a free ticket to the game thanks to Leithold Music! Youth 14 and under are eligible and must be accompanied by an adult to the game (tickets sold separately).

Have multiple children or want to get your kid’s friends involved? Use the comments box in the submission to indicate multiple potential rally rousers.

Leithold Music Rally Rousers

  • 14 and Under
  • This does not guarantee your selection for a specific date; however, it provides us a reference as we check availability.
  • If you have multiple children, please list additional names and ages here.