

About admin-mankato

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So far admin-mankato has created 923 blog entries.

A Spectacular Six!


With the season 10 days away we have some special players to introduce! Today we have Brycen Sherwood, Tasei Yahiro, [...]

A Spectacular Six!2022-05-20T14:04:05-05:00

A Saturday Special!


Mankato, Minn- With the season closing in fast we have to get all of our great players announced! A six [...]

A Saturday Special!2022-05-14T11:52:22-05:00

The Duke is Back!


 A special Friday player announcement, and a thank you for being an active military member to one of our players [...]

The Duke is Back!2022-05-13T13:28:05-05:00

More ‘Dogs in The House


Mankato, Minn- Mankato is ecstatic to welcome three more MoonDogs to the team! Two pitchers in Michael Lozano and Ashton [...]

More ‘Dogs in The House2022-04-22T14:57:51-05:00

Meet the West Coast Kids!


Mankato, Minn - The Mankato MoonDogs are jubilated to announce three new MoonDogs this summer, Corey Sanchez, Charles McAdoo, and Cade [...]

Meet the West Coast Kids!2022-04-03T11:06:05-05:00
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