

Hoikers Run Amuck

July 12th, 2003|

In tonight’s game featuring the Rochester Honkers and the Mankato MoonDogs, the Honkers were able to stifle the red-hot MoonDogs [...]

Early Hunting Season

July 11th, 2003|

Animals of Mankato beware, the MoonDogs have opened hunting season. After shooting down the Waterloo Bucks last night in Waterloo, [...]

Exterminated Beetles

July 8th, 2003|

It didn’t take the MoonDogs long to continue their offensive outburst of the last few games. Starting the scoring off [...]

Travel Too Much

July 3rd, 2003|

The road trip started a little rough for the MoonDogs as they lost the first game of the trip 6-0. [...]

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