Jacob Colwell, a senior at Saint Mary's University (Winona, MN) studying Sports Management, has taken on the challenge of contacting many former Rochester Honkers players and coaches. He wanted to see what they are doing now and some of their favorite memories of playing in Rochester. Below you will enjoy his discoveries as we present……Flashback Fridays! |
Danny Pulfer – Oregon
2009, 2010 Rochester Honkers
Photo of Danny playing for the Clearwater Threshers
What’s your favorite memory while playing for the Rochester Honkers?
DP: My favorite memory would be winning the 2009 Championship.
What's your favorite non playing memory from your time with the Rochester Honkers (Host Family, Experience, Bus Ride, etc.)
DP: I definitely had 2 great host families in my 2 seasons with the Honkers. The Dalys and the Higgins’. My time spent with them was cherished and I still keep in contact with them both.
Who was your favorite teammate when you played for the Rochester Honkers and why?
DP: I am not sure if I can pin one favorite. You meet so many characters over both seasons. I think Phil Haig is a guy I talk about most, just because he is the funniest kid I have ever met. But I will always remember guys like Corey Jones, Jon Tommasini, PJ Sequeria, Danny Brock, The Johnson brothers, Arik Sikula, Aaron Dunsmore, Nick Ramirez and of course my college teammates Scott McGough, and Mitch Karraker. And that was just 2009. 2010 the kid that stands out the most would be Mitch Caster, as I’m sure everyone will remember him, may he rest in peace. That team was amazing too. Jimmy Waters, Davy Wright, Richie Jimenez, the Captain Dan Pelegrino, Devin Thaut, my college teammates Ryan Hambright and Andrew Mendenhall, and of course Phil again. My point is there couldn't possibly be one particular teammate I remember because those teams made an impact that I am very grateful for.
What has happened to you since you left Rochester and what are you doing now?
DP: I left Rochester at the end of the summer of 2010, and went on to get drafted 19th round to the Arizona Diamondbacks, I have since been released but am playing in the American Association League with the Gary South Shore Railcats. I have since been back to Rochester to visit my host families a couple of times.
What was your biggest realization while playing for the Rochester Honkers?
DP: Biggest realization while playing for the Honkers was the everyday grind of games every day and long bus rides day in and day out. But that was professional baseball is like and that's when I realized this is what it would take.
Do you still stay in contact with former teammates? If so who?
DP: I am always in contact with my old college teammates that played with me, but outside that Nick Ramirez was my best friend from home and I still talk with him very now and again, but not too many guys are still in contact. But if I ever saw any of them again, I am sure no time would be lost. That's the thing about baseball, it’s always constant.