The Eau Claire Express play an active role in the Chippewa Valley, appearing at various events throughout the year.

Whether it’s Trix or Trax, a player, or member of our front office, the Express are happy to make an appearance at your event!




Mascot Appearance

Trax is available for appearances any time during the year! He commonly participates in parades, charity walks, fundraisers, and youth events.

See contact info at bottom of page to schedule an appearance.

Four Express Take Part in Mid-Summer Classic - Eau Claire Express

Player Appearance

Express players regularly make appearances throughout the season. Appearances are limited to Express home game days. The amount of time the team is available is limited also.

Speaking Engagements

Members of the Express front office are available for speaking engagements in Eau Claire and the surrounding areas.

Whether it’s talking about the sports marketing industry, the Express season, or giving career advice to students, the Express has you covered!



Please contact Sammi Costello at (715) 839 – 7788 or to schedule an appearance today!