The Eau Claire Express is proud to partner with Mayo Clinic Health System to “Celebrate Life” for Cancer Survivors Day on Saturday, June 15th, at Carson Park!

If you’ve ever been diagnosed with Cancer you’re a survivor. The American Cancer Society uses the term “Cancer Survivor” to refer to anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer no matter where they are in the course of their disease.

Any and all survivors of any form of cancer are invited and encouraged to attend and will be provided with up to 2 complimentary general admission tickets along with a $5 ticket special for additional guests thanks to Mayo Clinic Health System. (Should you like more than 2 tickets, indicate the number of tickets you desire in the form below and an Express ticket representative will contact you directly to assist you in purchasing the additional tickets)

Additionally, all survivors will be invited to take part in “Carson Park’s Largest Ceremonial 1st Pitch”. Survivors will be introduced on the pitching mound, receive a complimentary baseball and then get to throw out a Ceremonial 1st Pitch.

Not a cancer survivor but want to come and support our areas survivors and enjoy the game? Buy tickets here.

The schedule for the day will be as follows:

4:15 pm – Will Call Opens (tickets can be picked up here for survivors and guests)

4:35 pm – Gates Open

5:00 pm – Pregame Band Begins – Uncommon Denominator

6:10 pm – Carson Park’s Largest Ceremonial 1st Pitch

6:33 pm – National Anthem

6:35 pm – First pitch of the Eau Claire Express vs Duluth Huskies

Cancer Survivors Registration – 2024

Please enter a number from 0-10 If more than 2 tickets is needed, an Express ticket representative will contact you to purchase a $5/ticket.
Would you be interested in particiapting in our Ceremonial 1st Pitch?(Required)
If yes, please be prepared to arrive at the ballpark no later than 5:45 pm
How did you hear about this event?(Required)
I acknowledge that pictures may be taken at this event, and may be used for Celebrate Life promotional material in the future.(Required)