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So far admin has created 1010 blog entries.

Munoz Clutches Up v. Honkers

MANKATO, Minn.- The Mankato MoonDogs had their first walk off win of the season Thursday night v. the Rochester Honkers [...]

Munoz Clutches Up v. Honkers

MoonDogs Flip Past Honkers

MANKATO, Minn.- In a close match-up the Mankato MoonDogs come out on top with a 6-5 victory over the Rochester [...]

MoonDogs Flip Past Honkers

MoonDogs Streak Snaps in Extras

MANKATO, Minn.—In extra innings, the Mankato MoonDogs suffer their first loss in 11 games Saturday at Franklin Rogers 10-9 to [...]

MoonDogs Streak Snaps in Extras
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