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Published On: July 18th, 2009
DULUTH- It was a pitching dual Saturday night between the Waterloo Bucks and the Duluth Huskies, with the Huskies coming out on top late in the game.
Bucks’ pitch C.J. Rose took the mound Saturday pitching all nine innings of the game, only giving up one run in the eighth. The defense fought hard, but lacked run support despite two doubles from Willie Argo and Frazier Hall. 
The Bucks stay in Duluth Sunday for a 5:05 game. Shortstop Michael Giller will play in the All-Star game Tuesday night in Thunder Bay. Break for the All-Star game is Monday-Wednesday, and they travel to Battle Creek for a two game set Thursday and Friday. The Bucks return to Riverfront Stadium Saturday, July 25 to face the Madison Mallards.