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Published On: January 25th, 2010

Five Questions with Jared Wagoner

1. What is the most enjoyable part of playing in a summer league?
For me, just strictly talking about Waterloo and the Northwoods, the best part of playing in this
league is the fans! Playing in front of big crowds is not something many college players get to
do unless you play down south. So, for me, it’s a privilege.
2. What fictional character is most like you?
Cookie Monster.
3. What is your favorite baseball memory?
Favorite baseball memory for me would have to be playing in the 12 year-old world series in my
4. Who is the friendliest player in your conference?
Brian Padove.
5. What do you think you’re allergic to?
I know I’m allergic to the medicine, Pediazole. I guess that’s about it.