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Published On: August 9th, 2010

The Bucks started strong but fell hard to the Madison Mallards Monday, August 9.  After tying up the game in the second inning, the Bucks took a downfall and ultimate loss of 16-4.

Starting pitcher Zach Cooper has definitely seen his better nights on the mound. Cooper allowed only four hits, but couldn’t quite hit the strike zone walking a shocking seven batters.  Usually a consist hurler, Cooper gave the Bucks a seven run lead in the third inning.  Relief pitcher Mitch Mormann took over to close out the third and continued throwing in the fourth allowing four additional runs off of three hits and two walks. Bucks newbie Cody Johnson came in to close the remaining five innings of the game allowing two runs off of five hits and striking out five.  Johnson’s currently pitcher 4.50 ERA.  Starting pitcher Zach Cooper was given the loss and Madison’s reliever Matt Heaslip was credited with the win.

The Bucks battled at the plate to regain the lead but fell short.  Pounding out thirteen hits but only getting around the bases to score a mere four runs, the Bucks fell short on the offense.  C Jeremy Lucas (pictured) lead the Bucks going three for five at the plate cranking out a double and bringing two runners in.  LF Landon Anderson, CF Willie Argo and 3B Brandon Williams all made it on base with two hits each.  DH Jake Astor started the game with a triple bringing in the first run of the night for the Bucks.  Other Bucks with hits were RF Nick Anderson, SS Andrew Ewing, and Bucks new 2B Eric Swain.

Although fifteen baserunners were left stranded, LF Landon Anderson and RF Nick Anderson unleashed the speed both adding a stolen base to their stats.

For more information and boxscores check out the Bucks stat page at

Bucks are home again at Riverfront Stadium Tuesday, August 10 against the Madison Mallards.  Gates will open at 5:30 P.M.  First 1,000 fans will get a set of 2010 Bucks Baseball Cards powered by Disabled American Veterans.  IT’s also K98.5 College Night on the party deck, present a college I.D at the ticket window and get into the game on and the part deck for $15.  First pitch is scheduled for 6:35 P.M.