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Published On: January 23rd, 2012

5 Questions with former Buck Zach McCool presented by MaidPro. 

1) Where did you go to college? 
I went to the University of Iowa

2) What have you been up to since playing with the Bucks? 

After playing with the Bucks I graduated from the University of Iowa in four years. I then started to teach, coach, and instruct young adults in baseball at Diamond Dreams in Coralville, IA. Now, my family just bought and now owns Champions Sports Center in Des Moines, IA, where I am the manager. This is a sports facility where I will continue to expand my knowledge to the youth about baseball.

3) Who do you think is going to win the World Series this season? 

I think the Anaheim Angels are going to win the World Series this year, but would love to see my Cincinnati Reds win it. 

4) Do you have any advice for the youngsters? 

My message to the youth is continue to do well in school. It is always school before sports. After school you can continue your extra curricular activities. Also, playing sports should be fun, always have fun. 

5) What is your favorite memory of playing with the Bucks? 

I have several favorite memories as a Buck that I will carry for the rest of my life. One of them is the Buck Fans and my biggest fan Marilyn Haag! We still stay in contact through letters. The fans were unbelievable and fun to play for. Secondly, the relationships I built by playing with all of the teammates that I had. It was a blast meeting new people from all over the US. Lastly, the opportunity to play summer baseball in such a beautiful renovated stadium. This gave me the opportunity to become a better baseball player!