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Published On: June 4th, 2012

 Where do you attend school and what are you studying?

I attend Butler University and am studying exercise science. 

What made you want to join the Waterloo Bucks?

A teammate of mine, Jared Wagoner, played here for two years and he loved it here. My coach also recommended I play here. I played here last year and loved it so I decided to come back and play this year.

Who do you think will win the World Series this year?

The Rangers. I think they have a chip on their shoulder from the last two years and have a lot to prove. They also have a ridiculous offense. 

Who was a player you admired growing up?

Chipper Jones. He’s been my favorite player since I started watching baseball. I really like the way he plays the game and how dedicated he is to his team and organization. 

If you could play for any Major league team, which team would it be?

The Atlanta Braves. They have always been my favorite team. 

Check back every Monday for 5 Questions with the Bucks, presented by MaidPro.