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Published On: January 2nd, 2012
  5 Questions with former Buck Scott Williams presented by MaidPro. 

\"\"(1) Where did you go to college?
I went to school at the University of Wisconsin – Steven’s Point

(2) What have you been up to since playing for the Bucks?
Finishing up school and I got signed as a free agent by the Washington Nationals

(3) Who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl this year?
Green Bay Packers of course.

(4) Do you have any advice for the youngsters?
Work hard and when people tell you that you’re not good enough or you can’t do something, work harder to prove them wrong. 

(5) What is your favorite memory of playing for the Bucks?
Getting to know all the different players from around the country and being able to compete against division 1 players as a division 3 player myself.