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Published On: April 3rd, 2012

5 Questions with former Buck Chris Kupillas
 presented by MaidPro. 

  • \"\"(1) What college did you attend?
     Central Michigan University

    (2) What have you been up to since playing for the Bucks? I got drafted, but did not sign. I decided to go back to school after a couple injuries but didnt get drafted again. I graduated with a double major in marketing and logistics management and played 2 years of indy ball. In 2011 i hung them up and moved to California and ran a baseball academy for a year and just started a job as a logistics consultant.

    (3) With baseball around the corner, who do you think is going to win the World Series this October?
    I hope the Arizona Diamondbacks win it because that means myself and another former Buck Jeff Richard will be going to see our best friend pitch in the World Series.

    (4) Do you have any words of advice for the youngsters?
    Enjoy it. It is a great time in your life. Cherish the little moments with the guys on the bus in the clubhouse, the little things will be the things you miss the most

    (5) What was your favorite memory while playing for the Bucks?

    The whole experience I played in the Cape, I played in the coastal plains Ive played in the great lakes league and the Northwoods was the most "pro" like experience I had until I got to pro ball.