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Published On: June 15th, 2024

Waterloo, IA – Coming off a win last night against the Express, the Waterloo Bucks started a two-game home series against Rochester in which they lost game one by a score of 11-10.

Catcher Brennan Hudson and the Bucks offense struck first in the bottom of the first with an RBI single and that started the offensive hit parade.

Rochester had to answer back and they did in a big way with four runs off of six straight singles in the bottom of the second. These six singles would be some of the 17 the Honkers struck.

The Bucks scored in seven of the nine total innings with the fourth and fifth being the most successful. At the bottom of inning four, Waterloo scored three runs from doubles, wild pitches from Josiah Granados and a sacrifice fly from shortstop Kooper Schulte. Two more scored in the bottom of the fifth off of more Rochester blunders and a fielder choice and single from infielder Evan Morrion and Schulte again.

Rochester’s biggest inning was the top of the sixth when they scored six runs and sent 10 to the plate including a big two-run homerun from designated hitter Mattie Thomas.

Waterloo scored three runs in the final four innings, but it wasn’t enough to take game one.

Game two against the Honkers is set for tomorrow at 5:05 PM CST from Riverfront Stadium.