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Published On: June 23rd, 2024

Waterloo, IA – After a six-game road trip, the Bucks went back to Riverfront Stadium to face the Wisconsin Rapids Rafters for two games and came out on top after the first by a score of 10-8.
Waterloo started the offense early by plating outfielders Lucas Moore and Ben Wilmes in the top of the first with a pair of singles. The scoring would stop for the Bucks until the bottom of the fifth when Wilmes scored again, this time on an E5.

The Rafters bats stayed quiet until the sixth inning, thanks to another quality start from right-handed Aiden Elfering. Elfering finished with 6.0 innings pitched, eight hits, and two runs allowed.

The Rafters came to play at the beginning of the sixth frame and scored six runs before an out was even recorded. The Bucks bullpen put a stop to this offense but were behind 6-3.

In the bottom of the seventh and eighth, the offense combined for seven runs, four of which came in the eighth inning of a 6-6 ballgame. Two of the biggest runs got home after a Trenton Snyder sacrifice bunt turned into a Rafters error that allowed Marcus Heusohn and Jae Williams to score.
Rafters wanted to do everything they could to keep it close and even put up two runs in the ninth and had the bases loaded, but today’s closer Sam Hart came in and shut the door in order.

The Bucks and Rafters play tomorrow with game two set for 6:35 PM at Riverfront Stadium.