Alumni Update: Andrew Pratt
The MLB World Series has been a lot of fun [...]
Bottcher Recognized as Rawlings ‘Big Stick’ Award Winner
Rochester, Minn. - The Northwoods League is pleased to announce [...]
Express Alumni Update: Rooting Interests
As a fan, is there anything better than October baseball? [...]
Alumni Update 10/10: Kyle Marinconz
We’ve been on a bit of a 2016 kick as [...]
Kohnle Garners Rawlings ‘Finest in the Field’ Award
2019 Top Defenders Rewarded for Best Fielding Percentages [...]
Strike Out Sponsor: Charter Bank Wisconsin
The Eau Claire Express had a great season on and [...]
Alumni Update 10/6: Caleb Boushley
Caleb Boushley with the Express in 2016 If [...]
Alumni Update 9/24: Cody Milligan
Alumni Update 9/24: Cody Milligan The offseason is [...]