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Published On: October 12th, 2009

Five questions with former Buck James Jones

1.  What was the last thing you saw on YouTube?


7yr old kid stole his grandma’s car, and went on a joy ride.

2.  What is one goal you have for your professional career?


Square the ball up on a consistent basis.

3.  What gossip story fascinates you?

A.  Omar Visquel’s interest in bull riding.  I find that pretty funny and would like to see it, if it happens.

4.  What is the most annoying TV commercial?

A.  The ab machine (I don’t know what it’s called), but instead of doing crunches and ab exercises like a regular human being, the machine contracts your abs for you .  Pretty annoying.

5.  What do you do right after a home game?

A.  I eat, that’s the only thing that is on my mind when the game is done.\"\"