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Published On: June 13th, 2024

Waterloo, IA –  The Bucks lose game one of the four-game home stand against the Eau Claire Express as the longest active win streak in the Northwoods League comes to a close.

Waterloo scored first in the bottom of the second inning when infielder Evan Morrison plated home outfielder Larry Edwards Jr on a single. The Bucks had three different half-innings where they scored one run and then, two runs in the bottom of the ninth.

Eau Claire took the lead in the third inning by scoring two runs off of singles and throwing errors from the Bucks’ defense. The Express never gave up the lead once they took hold of it.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, the Bucks at one point had the bases loaded and even scored two runs from a fielders-choice from first baseman Marcus Heusohn and a sacrifice fly to left field off the bat of third baseman Chase Beattie. Waterloo would leave two runners on in the ninth and lose the game by two runs.

The Bucks are back in action tomorrow against Eau Claire with the first pitch of game two set for 6:35 PM