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Published On: June 14th, 2024

Waterloo, IA –  Waterloo bounced back from yesterday’s loss and let the hot bats go back to work in an 11-6 victory over the Eau Claire Express.

The start of the game seemed to guy by in a flash thanks to Wyatt Land throwing four innings of perfect baseball. On top of that, a three-run bottom of the second helped the Bucks get out to an early lead. The bats didn’t stop there as a two-run bottom of the fourth pulled the Bucks out to a 5-0 lead.

Eau Claire’s Brady Blake ripped a three-run home run for the Express to make it just a bit closer, but just as soon as the Trains’ answer, the Bucks seemed to have every response set as two more came to the plate from an RBI single for Evan Morrison and an RBI walk to Lucas Moore. Morrison would end the day with a 4-5 line and be a key contributor to the 14 hits the Bucks had.

Much of the game came from playing small ball, until outfielder Larry Edwards Jr hit a three-run homer of his own in the bottom of the sixth. This towering shot would get Larry 17 RBIs on the season, which is best for fourth in the Northwoods League.

As much as the Eau Claire Express kept responding, the Bucks bullpen speared by right-handers Ethan Alexander, Sam Skarich, and Chaney Trout kept the runs to a minimum as the Bucks came out on top.
Waterloo has two more home games this weekend against the Rochester Honkers, with the first pitch of Saturday’s game coming at 6:35 PM.