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Published On: March 8th, 2010


1. Which team has the best fans in the NHL?

Well, my dad is from Boston and I grew up watching and rooting for Boston sports. In terms of hockey, all I’d hear about is Bobby Orr and how great the Bruins were. So,I’m going to have to go with the Boston Bruins.

2. Which team has the best offensive lineup in baseball?

Even if the Red Sox had all Little Leaguers, they would still have the best offensive lineup in baseball. 

3. Do you own any school records? (Baseball or other)

Not that I know of…but in High school, I’m pretty sure no one hit more batters in a season than I did.

4. What CD should be thrown in the garbage?

Any Top 40 rap or pop.

5. What is the most it has ever cost to fill up your tank?

I can’t remember how much on the mainland, but in Hawaii our whole team drives mopeds and it costs me about two or three bucks to fill it up.