Celebrate back to school time with a NEW Larks backpack.

The Larks and Knife River teamed up for the 2024 Backpack Giveback program to provide school supplies for kids in need.

Bismarck Municipal Ballpark

Need to Knows

Return to School in Style

How do I get my backpack?

Backpacks will be available at Bismarck Larks games.

Fans can either donate $10 or bring two school supplies to the ballpark to receive a Larks and Knife River backpack for FREE.


What school supplies are needed?

  • Notebooks (college & wide ruled)
  • Loose leaf paper (college & wide ruled)
  • Fiskar pointed scissors
  • Crayola brand broad tip classic colored markers (10 count)
  • Black Sharpies
  • Yellow highlighters
  • Crayola colored pencils
  • Pencil boxes
  • Pencil bags


Where do the donations go?

All donations benefit Carrie’s Kids.

Carrie’s Kids believes that all children/teens are created with a purpose. We provide outreach, clubs, groups, events, and programs that promote dignity, build social and life skills, nurture potential, and instill self-sufficiency in children/teens who are homeless or at risk, in the Bismarck-Mandan area of North Dakota.

Get Your Backpack Today!