Select the membership plan that suits you and your family. Tailor your experience by choosing games that align with your schedule, benefit from prime seating in the same box seats, and ease financial strain with a manageable payment plan.

Embrace the perks and privileges of a Family Flock Membership powered by Scheels.


free larks jersey & hat
exclusive member-only events
same great box seats with back rest
referral program
all-you-can-eat ballpark buffet
Member-only discounts


4 Game Plan

4 GAME PLAN $108 ($27/game)

  • Seating available in sections 101, 102, 106 or 107.
  • Attend 4 of the best Larks games over the summer with firework nights, games against the Minot Hot Tots and Badlands Big Sticks
  • Plus all the great perks above

7 Game Plan

7 GAME PLAN $175 ($25/game)

  • Seating available in any of the Flock Member sections.
  • Attend 7 of the best Larks games over the summer with firework nights, games against the Minot Hot Tots and Badlands Big Sticks
  • Plus all the great perks above