The Nissan Titan Truck Has A New Look!

We’re getting a brand new truck from Bismarck Motor Company: Clark’s Cruiser.

This Nissan Titan Truck will be cruising through the 701 area code through the 2025 season. It features red baseball stitching to tie the yellow and black race car theme, the number 1804 on the top of the truck to represent when Lewis & Clark came through North Dakota on their expedition, images of Clark and Merifeather in the windows of the backseats and more.

There is a scannable QR code on the tailgate of Clark’s Cruiser – if you see the Nissan Titan Truck in the streets, you can scan the QR code and win some prizes courtesy of Bismarck Motor Company.

Did You Participate In The Voting Contest In 2023? The Mann Signs Inc. team made 4 awesome designs for Lark Nation to vote on just ahead of Spring 2023. The voting contest lasted for 3 weeks and Clark’s Cruiser #1 won. We announced the winning design on March 30.

The First Look at Clark’s Cruiser: It’s beautiful! The all-new Nissan Titan Truck powered by Bismarck Motor Company is ready for the streets of Bismarck. What do you think?

Thank you to MANN SIGNS INC. for the one-of-a-kind design and wrap.

Santa Visits the Larks: Santa visited our front office to check out who was naughty and who was nice.

If you see Clark’s Cruiser around town, scan the QR Code on the tailgate for a chance to win awesome prizes courtesy of Bismarck Motor Company.

What Are You Thankful For? Larks fans go around the table and say what they are grateful for: Minnesota sports (sometimes), a good job, really good friends, an amazing family and WHAT ELSE?

If you see Clark’s Cruiser around town, scan the QR Code on the tailgate for a chance to win awesome prizes courtesy of Bismarck Motor Company.

Who Can Carve The Best Clark’s Cruiser Into A Pumpkin? Chris and Lorne try to carve the best Clark’s Cruiser into a pumpkin.

If you see Clark’s Cruiser around town, scan the QR Code on the tailgate for a chance to win awesome prizes courtesy of Bismarck Motor Company.